Alexander Krivoshapkin (Dersu)

Александром Кривошапкиным (Дерсу)

08.10.1966 – 17.03.2022

The land of Sakha (Sakha Sire) is rich in freshwater rivers and lakes, majestic forests, and mountains. For centuries the original culture of the Sakha people has co-existed with nature. The beauty of nature is always inspiring and, logically, our exhibition begins with a display of photographs of pristine NATURE taken by Alexander Krivoshapkin, better known by his pseudonym - Dersu Unfortunately, he is no longer with us, but his wife - Elida Atlasova, a representative of the low-numbered Yukagir people, continues to cherish his artistic (photographic) heritage. Dersu was a Sakha native and was repeatedly awarded as a professional nature photographer. Many professional nature photographers from all over the world followed his works on the Internet. Alexander Krivoshapkin - Dersu was a certified game manager, had a doctoral degree in biology and was an intrinsically gifted photographer. He took his pictures in places inaccessible to an average person. His photographs capture the untouched beauty of nature and show the diverse flora and fauna of the Sakha land.

08.10.1966 – 17.03.2022

Саха (Якутия) богата пресноводными реками и озерами, величественными лесами и горами. Испокон веков самобытная культура народа Саха сосуществовала с природой. Красота якутской природы вдохновляет и логично, что наша выставка начинается с показа фотографий первозданной ПРИРОДЫ сделанными Александром Кривошапкиным, больше известным под псевдонимом - Дерсу К сожалению, болезнь забрала его в другой мир. Его супруга - Элида Атласова, представитель малочисленного народа – юкагиров, продолжает бережно хранить его наследие. Дерсу был выходцем из народа Саха и неоднократно получал награды среди профессиональных фотографов- натуралистов. Многие профессиональные фотографы природы следили за его работами в Интернете. Александр Кривошапкин – Дерсу был дипломированным охотоведом, имел докторскую степень по биологии и был фотографом от природы. Свои снимки он делал в местах недоступных для обычного человека. Его фотографии запечатлевают нетронутую красоту природы и демонстрируют разнообразную флору и фауну Якутии.

Dersu: Badyarikha Gate, 2017 (series of photographs)
Badyarikha river in Yakutia, Springs in the Momskie Mountains
Дерсу: Бадяриха, 2017
Dersu: Badyarikha Gate, 2017 (series of photographs)
Badyarikha river in Yakutia, Springs in the Momskie Mountains
Дерсу: Бадяриха, 2017
Dersu: Snowdrop's desire (in Sakha language: Nʼurguһun dʼuluura), 2016 Дерсу: Ньургуһун дьулуура, 2016
Dersu: The Shadow, 2014 Дерсу: Тень, 2014
Dersu: Kiһileekh khaya
Rocks that look like people
Дерсу: Kiһileekh khaya
Dersu: The Muskox, 2012
Allaikhovskaya tundra near Chokurdakh
Дерсу: Овцебык, 2012
Аллаиховская тундра возле Чокурдаха
Dersu: Yhyakh, 2010 Дерсу: ыһыах, 2010
Dersu: Sakha Horses, 2019 Дерсу: Sakha Horses, 2019
Dersu: The Lena Pillars, 2012 (series of photographs)
The Lena Pillars Nature Park was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2012
Дерсу: The Lena Pillars, 2012 (series of photographs)
The Lena Pillars Nature Park was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2012
Dersu: The Lena Pillars, 2012 (series of photographs)
The Lena Pillars Nature Park was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2012
Дерсу: The Lena Pillars, 2012 (series of photographs)
The Lena Pillars Nature Park was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2012
Dersu: Kürülüür (translated from the Sakha language - seething, noisy) (series of photographs)
Waterfalls on the Menda River in the Khangalassky ulus of Yakutia
Дерсу: Kürülüür (translated from the Sakha language - seething, noisy) (series of photographs)
Waterfalls on the Menda River in the Khangalassky ulus of Yakutia
Dersu: Kürülüür (translated from the Sakha language - seething, noisy) (series of photographs)
Waterfalls on the Menda River in the Khangalassky ulus of Yakutia
Дерсу: Kürülüür (translated from the Sakha language - seething, noisy) (series of photographs)
Waterfalls on the Menda River in the Khangalassky ulus of Yakutia

Egor Stepanov