The bride, on her way to her husband's home, is wearing traditional Sakha bridal garb to display her status. Семен Луканси: On a new land", 2022 (oil on canvas)

Sketch for mural on the facades of residential buildings in the village Amga Семен Луканси: Эскиз проекта для Паблик -арт объектов- муралов «Лето Якутия» на фасадах жилых домов с

dedicated to the pollution of the Vilyuy River in western Yakutia Семен Луканси: Buluu Ebe, 2018 (series of paintings)
dedicated to the pollution of the Vilyuy River in western Yakutia

dedicated to the pollution of the Vilyuy River in western Yakutia Семен Луканси: Buluu Ebe, 2018 (series of paintings)
dedicated to the pollution of the Vilyuy River in western Yakutia

dedicated to the pollution of the Vilyuy River in western Yakutia Семен Луканси: Buluu Ebe, 2018 (series of paintings)
dedicated to the pollution of the Vilyuy River in western Yakutia

"Последний месяц с большой болью и сопереживанием наблюдаю как люди теряют свои дома, скот и хозяйства в Якутии. Пусть никогда больше не повториться такое страшное наводнение. Пострадавшим семьям Силы, чтобы все это пережить и восстановить!" - Семен Луканси Semen Lukansi: Disaster, 2018 (oil on canvas)
"For the past month, I have been watching with great pain and compassion as people in Yakutia lose their homes, livestock, and livelihoods. May such a terrible flood never happen again. Strength to the affected families to endure and recover from all this!" - Semen Lukansi