Egor Stepanov

Егор Степанов

Egor Stepanov, a well-known craftsman with a deep connection to nature and the rich cultural heritage of the Sakha people, has revealed his name as a Master through the creation of exquisite images on the mammoth tusk, bone, wood, and ice. His exceptional talent and dedication have brought him both national and international recognition. A member of the Union of Artists of Russia and holder of the title "For Outstanding Achievements in the Culture of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)", Egor Stepanov is also a member of the Association of Ice Sculptors of Canada. Working as a team with a talented carver Alexey Andreev, they made breathtaking ice sculptures that captivated audiences in many countries and won numerous awards at international snow and ice sculpture festivals (China Gold Cup 2016, Canada Cup 2019). Sacral hitching posts (Sergeh) made by him have been installed in several cities in Russia, France, and the USA. Egor Stepanov's works, characterized by a unique style and subtlety, represent a deep and reverent attitude to the culture of the Sakha people.

известный мастер резьбы из Республики Саха (Якутия). Обладая глубокой связью с природой и богатым культурным наследием народа Саха, расскрыл свое имя Мастера через создание изысканных образов на бивне мамонта, кости, дерева и льда. Его исключительный талант и преданность делу принесли ему признание как на национальном, так и на международном уровне. Являясь членом Союза художников России и обладателем звания "За выдающиеся достижения в культуре Республики Саха (Якутия)", Егор Степанов является также членом Ассоциации ледяных скульпторов Канады. В команде с талантливым резчиком Алексеем Андреевым их захватывающие ледяные скульптуры покорили зрителей многих стран и удостоены многочисленных наград на международных фестивалях снежных и ледяных скульптур (Золотого Кубка Китая 2016, Кубка Канады 2019). Изготовленные им, ритуальные коновязные столбы - Сэргэ, установлены в ряде городов России, во Франции и США. Работы Егора Степанова, отличающиеся уникальным стилем и тонкостью исполнения, олицетворяют глубокое и трепетное отношение к культуре народа Саха.

Egor Stepanov: Song of the white cranes, 2014 (ice carving) (with Alexey Andreev)
Lake Louise, AB, Canada, Alberta
Егор Степанов: Песня белых журавлей, 2014 (ice carving) (with Alexey Andreev)
Lake Louise, AB, Canada, Alberta
Egor Stepanov: Song of the white cranes, 2014 (ice carving) (with Alexey Andreev)
Lake Louise, AB, Canada, Alberta
Егор Степанов: Песня белых журавлей, 2014 (ice carving) (with Alexey Andreev)
Egor Stepanov: Desired blue shore, 2016 (ice carving) (with Alexey Andreev) Егор Степанов: Хаарыан хампа куех кытылым, 2016 (ice carving) (with Alexey Andreev)
Egor Stepanov: Choroon, 2015 (Sakha traditional bowl made of wood)
Alaas kyyһa, 2015 (birch wood carving)
Егор Степанов: Choroon, 2015 (Sakha traditional bowl made of wood)
Right: Alaas kyyһa, 2015 (birch wood carving)
Egor Stepanov: Unprecedented catch, 2017 (ice carving) (with Alexey Andreev) Егор Степанов: Unprecedented catch, 2017 (ice carving) (with Alexey Andreev)
Egor Stepanov: Light breaking through the darkness, 2018 (wood carving) (with Alexey Andreev) Егор Степанов: Light breaking through the darkness, 2018 (wood carving) (with Alexey Andreev)
Egor Stepanov: The Legend of Cholbon, 2021 (ice carving) (with Alexey Andreev) Егор Степанов: The Legend of Cholbon, 2021 (ice carving) (with Alexey Andreev)
Egor Stepanov: Bride's dowry, horses - a symbol of Sakha (aluminum)
gifts to guests at the wedding from the bride's parents
Егор Степанов: Bride's dowry, horses - a symbol of Sakha (aluminum)
gifts to guests at the wedding from the bride's parents
Egor Stepanov: Bride's dowry, horses - a symbol of Sakha (aluminum)
gifts to guests at the wedding from the bride's parents
Егор Степанов: Bride's dowry, horses - a symbol of Sakha (aluminum)
gifts to guests at the wedding from the bride's parents
Egor Stepanov: Suncatcher (horn carving) Егор Степанов: Suncatcher (horn carving)
Egor Stepanov: Sunny (horn carving) Егор Степанов: Sunny (horn carving)
Egor Stepanov: On Ysyakh, 2009 (wood carving)
Ysyakh is a traditional holiday of the Sakha people in midsummer
Егор Степанов: On Ysyakh, 2009 (wood carving)
Ysyakh is a traditional holiday of the Sakha people in midsummer
Egor Stepanov: Sun dance, 2024 (ice sculpture) (with Alexey Andreev) Егор Степанов: Sun dance, 2024 (ice sculpture)
Egor Stepanov: Sketches from different years Егор Степанов: Sketches from different years
Video interview with Egor Stepanov and Alexey Andreev (Sakha language) Video interview with Egor Stepanov and Alexey Andreev (Sakha language)

Alexander Manzhuriev